Bouganvillea glabra (sanderiana)

Bougainvillea are mainly climbers but can also grow as shrubs, from South America.

Lantana Camara

It’s a genus including 150 shrubs and hardy perennial evergreen species from the tropical areas of Central America, North America, South America and South Africa.

Metrosideros excelsus (aureus)

It’s a genus including 50 shrubs and aromatic tree species or woody climbers from South Africa, Malaysia, Australia and the Pacific isles. Red, pink, white and yellow flowers.

Nerium oleander

It’s a genus including 1 or 2 shrubs or short evergreen tree species found in the Mediterranean sea and in China. These species are grown for their very colorful and nice-smelling flowers.

Pittosporum tobira (nanum)

Pittosporum tobira (nanum) Shrubs and evergreen trees often bearing fragrant flowers followed by woody fruits, found in Australia, South Africa, Asia and the Pacific isles.

Sterlizia reginae

Evergreen hardy perennial found in South Africa.