Bougainvillea are mainly climbers but can also grow as shrubs, from South America.
Lantana Camara
It’s a genus including 150 shrubs and hardy perennial evergreen species from the tropical areas of Central America, North America, South America and South Africa.
Metrosideros excelsus (aureus)
It’s a genus including 50 shrubs and aromatic tree species or woody climbers from South Africa, Malaysia, Australia and the Pacific isles. Red, pink, white and yellow flowers.
Nerium oleander
It’s a genus including 1 or 2 shrubs or short evergreen tree species found in the Mediterranean sea and in China. These species are grown for their very colorful and nice-smelling flowers.
Pittosporum tobira (nanum)
Pittosporum tobira (nanum) Shrubs and evergreen trees often bearing fragrant flowers followed by woody fruits, found in Australia, South Africa, Asia and the Pacific isles.